Friday, November 6, 2009

MARLIES DEKKERS has arrived!

The anticipation is over... MARLIES DEKKERS has arrived!

Marlies Dekkers is a lingerie designer from Holland, who looks at the woman's body like a canvas to which her bra designs are a piece of art. She doesn't believe in frill or lace, it's all about structural interest and creating with straps. She also believes that the most beautiful part of a woman's body is the middle of the back and the top of the chest, which should be framed, not covered up...

Our first shipment of bras and panties is a group called "Cold Cream" which features a small chiffon layer above the cup and three rows of white straps in front and the back of the bra has a classic two hook closure, but features again, three rows of white straps at the shoulder blades...

It's time to break the rules, step outside the box, and smash the taboo that your undergarments should be uninteresting and hidden! These bras are meant to be shown from under maybe a V-neck shirt, or a low back dress!

Don't delay, this is a limited style, stop in today for your Marlies Dekkers fitting, and join the exclusive customer list for the announcement of the arrival of our next group from Marlies Dekkers... it's like nothing you've ever seen or worn before!

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